Happy Halloween
For those who were not there we went to a bitchin’ Halloween party on Saturday night. A huge mansion on a hill in Bay View was decorated inside and out for the festivities. (FYI you know you are headed to a good party when there is a port-a-potty in the driveway) 3 kegs, numerous bowls of various kinds of punch, and an open bar…I’m set. Is there a more beautiful phrase in the English language than “open bar”? I defy anyone to concoct a phrase that brings more joy to hearts of more people, good times, good times. Beautiful ladies and a cool DJ made for a fun night
Anyway, for this festival I donned a store-bought prisoner outfit and complemented it with a suit coat and a tie. All of this was topped off with a “Hello, my name is…Scooter” tag. Yes, I dressed as Scooter Libby for Halloween. It was funny, topical, and had a shelf life of about 30 minutes. My geekdom knows no bounds.