Chances are that if you are reading this you already know me. But if you are a stranger and you are looking for left-of-center political opinions, rambling, senseless rants, and coverage of the Atlanta Braves that can only be described as severely manic-depressive...Welcome!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy thoughts...happy thoughts...I SAID HAPPY THOUGHTS DAMMIT!

Any true Braves fan had already anticipated the outcome of this afternoon’s 18-inning marathon long before its inevitable end. Years of soul-crushing post-season defeats teach you to be prepared. Accordingly household guns were pre-loaded with blanks, and all the pills in the medicine cabinet were replaced with harmless placebos. I have no razors in the house but I went so far as to put my Norelco in a safety deposit box at the bank. Too much you say? Braves fans can be determined…very determined. Unless there’s traffic, then usually we’re gone by the seventh inning stretch.


Blogger Will said...

Wow... just... wow. 18 ins, Roger Clemens coming in and sweeping up, a walk-off home run -- what playoff baseball is all about.

I think Smoltz summed it up best when he said the two greatest games he's played in they've lost.

8:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Chipper, there's room for you on the White Sox bandwagon!!!

6:04 PM

Blogger Woodhull said...

I feel your pain, even though I live in a hapless, baseball haven of Bonds lovers. Atleast the Yanks lost too.

10:57 PM

Blogger Will said...

I agree Diane, let's all celebrate what's most important -- Fuck the Yankees!!!

10:26 AM

Blogger Jim said...

OK, OK. This is MY blog and I simply will not stand for all this Yankee bashing...without joining in. The Bravos may be out but the fact that the Yanks are gone too makes the bitterness a little easier to swallow.

Any time the Bronx Bombers get bounced from the playoffs the sun shines a little brighter, the birds sound clearer, and the air smells sweeter.

7:42 PM


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