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Monday, September 19, 2005

Cleaning out my TIVO

After an insufferably hot summer the temperatures are finally dropping down to more reasonable highs, and leafs on the trees are beginning their fiery death march. All this of course means one thing…new shows on TV. Yeah I know I’m a poet at heart, but what can I say? Television is a drug and I need my fix dammit!!

Over the years however I have learned that my liking of a show is a kiss of death as evidenced by the season pass section of my TIVO. My TIVO is a veritable graveyard of failed high-minded concepts and B-level stars scratching for a comeback. Take last season for example: the NBC drama “LAX”…Heather Locklier and airplanes, how was this not a runaway ratings bonanza?!? “Jack and Bobby” was a little on the schlocky side but it had compelling story lines that kept me coming back week after week. “Desperate Housewives” made the cut but they are the exception that proves the rule.

I am reminded of this now as I clean out my TIVO to make room for new shows. It is a heart-wrenching project as every time the “Are you sure you want to erase” box appears on screen I am reminded of what could have been. Ahh “Clubhouse”, hold on…I need a moment, truly depressing work. This year I am going to try something new, I am going to keep my television preferences to myself. That way the network spies who watch my every move will have no idea what I like and dislike, and will be perplexed as how to fuck with me. I may even leave my TV on tuned to shows I despise to throw them off even further, giving my shows a fighting chance.

Now not all network execs are evil, Fox’s resurrection of “Family Guy” did partially restore my faith in humanity, but I am still hanging on for that big “Keen Eddie” comeback! No? How about a DVD then, c’mon gimme something.


Blogger Will said...

Chipper, give Rescue Me on FX and Closer on TNT a try. Seems that cable is putting out better shows than network these days.

Then there's always Gilmore Girls, a secret obsession for single men everywhere. Why? Cause there's a hot and future-hot (when she's legal) mother-daughter combo, obviously. Just hit mute, put the WinAmp on shuffle, and enjoy!

3:56 PM

Blogger Jim said...

I'm into "The Closer" because I want to see the Kyra Sedgwick from "Singles" even though this Kyra has obviously not aged well. She's anorexically thin and has the neck of a 90-year old. But I'm desprately trying to look past this.

As for "Rescue Me" I missed the boat at the start of the series and I don't know how do get in.

One cable series I was really into was "Dead Like Me" Which is suprising because I REALLY hate Mandy Pantakin (sp?) So much so that I could not watch "Chicago Hope" if I was tied to a chair with electrodes on my nads.

But "Dead's" premise was so fascinating that it rose above Mandy's immense level of suckage. Alas it lasted 2 mini-seasons, only one of which is on DVD.

5:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to get into Rescue Me, I would have the first season on DVD for you to watch. :o) The second is forthcoming, I am sure.

It gives a whole new meaning to the words: Denis Leary is my hero.

7:18 AM


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