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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I wish this were unbelieveable

It has been well documented (even by the man himself) that the Dear Leader does not read newspapers, watch television news, or is connected to the media in any way. Now I do not believe that reading the New York Times, or hell even the Washington Times, on a daily basis is a prerequisite for being president. But it is becoming evident that Chimpy is comically out of touch with the world, and relies on an increasingly smaller circle of advisors to keep him informed.

Today it has been widely reported (Time, Newsweek, NBC) that Georgie Boy did not believe the initial reports of the damage associated with Katrina and that advisors had to show him a compilation DVD of nightly newscasts and it was then, and only then he decided to cut his vacation short and personally attend to the disaster.

This speaks for itself, and it would actually be funny if this man were not the most powerful man in the world. If there were a “The Emperor Has No Clothes” moment this has to be it. And his tanking poll umbers reflect that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you can say any slanted junk you want but Bush definately seemed to have gotten "it" way before the mayor of New Orleans or their lame governor or their cry baby senator.

12:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the "slanted junk" sometimes is the truth. If it wasn't the truth Bush wouldn't have taken blame for what happened. It took Bush forever to mobilize the National Guard because thousands of them are 6,000 miles away in Iraq, and because he has never had any sense of reality.

What was most important about the government's response to this disaster is that it was sadly proven that the United States is nowhere close to being ready to respond to another possible terrorist attack in a major city.

9:03 PM

Blogger Will said...

I disagree. The first responders in disaster, natural or otherwise, have always been local agencies (police, local fire rescue, and volunteers from neighboring counties) and private organizations like the Red Cross. I think it is obvious that everyone from local to federal government completely botched this whole situation. But if you're looking for who to blame the most, I think you have to start with New Orleans -- not the president.

3:00 PM


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