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Friday, August 12, 2005

The love that dare not speak its name

I really hope this story makes the national news because there are few things that I enjoy more than watching Pat Robertson blow a gasket. I may endure several days of The 700 Club to see it.

To sum up, in today's Boston Globe (one of the finest dailys out there) there was a story about a pair of swans living in the pond in Boston Common. (big-ass park in the center of Boston) These birds had pair bonded and had become local celebs of sorts, so much so that they were named Romeo and Juliet. Turns out in a Sapphic twist of irony that they are both female. Thats right, the most celebrated animal couple in Boston turns out to be a same-sex one!

I think the city should go all out for this. Since Massachusetts is the only state to allow gay marriages they should have a big wedding in the common, and then they could be the grand marshalls of next year's pride parade!

Two female swans, do you think there is a market for bird porn?


Blogger Will said...

I'd watch it, but with my track record that isn't saying much.

7:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That depends, is a long-billed dowitcher( going to be inserting his bill into the lovely orifice of Jenna/houston/fill in name of porn star here...

I could be persuaded...


11:16 AM


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