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Friday, August 05, 2005

Novak has a tantrum

Did anyone see Inside Politics yesterday? (8/4/05) Conservative hack Bob Novak stormed off in a hissy fit (Having been a middle school special ed. teacher I know a hissy fit when I see one) He was discussing Kathrine Harris' senate prospects with James Carville when he suddenly said "that's bullshit", stood up, took off his microphone, and stormed off the set. I wish I had been TIVOing it because I could watch that over and over. This is what happens when wingnuts like Novak are held to the fire. They can't defend their positions with fact and logic so they fall back on obscenities to deflect anyone who dares question them. Just like when V.P. He Who Must Not be Named told off Vermont sen. Leahy, Novak has proven to be just another Republican infant who will cry until he gets his bottle. For the party of "family values" these people sure have potty mouths.

This would never happen on Faux News because there right wingers are put up against cardboard cut-outs of liberals so that they can tee off without having to justify their opinions with pesky things like...facts. The reverse cannot be said of CNN because whatever you think of cry baby Novak, and Bay Buchannan they are ardent defenders of the right wing. CNN suggested that Novak take some "time off" but don't be surprised if after he outs a few more CIA spooks he shows up on Faux where he will be safe from the hassle of having to defend his opinions against the big bad mean liberals.


Blogger Will said...

Buchannan is NOT a defender of conservatism. He's been discharged of any association with conservatism for years! He's the phoney conservative cardboard-cutout you libs put up when you want someone to cave and agree with you on so bogus principle.

And you really should wait until this investigation about Valerie Plame and Wilson is over with, cause when the adminstration is absolved the media is going to look pretty damn foolish.

12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

video file of Novak incident

Have a good one.

1:22 PM

Blogger Jim said...

BAY Buchannan, not Pat. While Pat started taking his medication, Bay's opnions are beatifully unaffected by logic or conscience. Try reading the post before first before commenting.

2:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...,,8122-1721874,00.html

The PO on coke!!!

3:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

another post, I love James' blog.


7:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Bush is a ...


9:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

home equity loans

10:54 AM


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