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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Doing a heck of a job Brownie

Watching former FEMA director Michael Brown testifying on the hill. Un-fuckin’-believable, the buck is getting passed more than a bong at a high school kegger. Predictably he laid all of the blame at the feet of local officials, because as director of FEMA this was really outside his area. Besides anybody truly in danger would just gas up the Explorer and drive to the country house, so what’s all the fuss?

I feel bad for Brownie, I really do. When the Dear Leader appointed him FEMA director (really a step down from the Arabian Horse Association) he wasn’t expecting to do any real work. After all in the post-9/11 world what are the chances of a major disaster striking on American soil? Of course the odd tornado will wipe out a trailer park here and there, but there are low-level staffers to deal with that. It’s not his fault that local officials didn’t do his job on top of their own. Now cut him a severance check already and send him off to Halliburton.

Still I remember when Chimpy stood in the Rose Garden a while back and said that he wasn’t interested in playing the “blame game”. Hmm, guess Brownie didn’t get that memo.


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