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Saturday, September 24, 2005


The Bravos finally took one last night, coming on strong in the eighth to take the Marlins 4-3, and reducing the magic number to five

Coming down the stretch this year the Braves have certainly stumbled. The pitching has been good but not stellar, and the bats have simply been silenced. However I see a ray of hope in this and I will explain.

For most of their run the warriors of the Chattahoochee have been a September team, turning it on at the end of the season to win the division then falling flat in October. This year they are stumbling towards the playoffs looking more like the Devil Rays then the Yankees, and during the season they have certainly run hot and cold, moreso then in years past. My hope now is that we are seeing the slump before the storm. The Braves will win the division, it is too late for them to be caught, and perhaps this year the September swoon will mean that October will be the time when everything starts to click. Naïve? Possibly. But this is baseball, and that makes about as much sense as anything else.


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