World Cup news
Rioting broke out today between English and German soccer fans. Angry soccer fans, really? You don't say. In other news; Catholic Pope takes a shit with a bear in the woods.
Chances are that if you are reading this you already know me. But if you are a stranger and you are looking for left-of-center political opinions, rambling, senseless rants, and coverage of the Atlanta Braves that can only be described as severely manic-depressive...Welcome!!
Rioting broke out today between English and German soccer fans. Angry soccer fans, really? You don't say. In other news; Catholic Pope takes a shit with a bear in the woods.
For anyone who doubts that the Republican Party has completely lost touch with reality I draw your attention to the events of this week. In their position of unchallenged power over the three branches of government the Republicans have blocked or stalled many useful pieces of legislation and reform that would greatly benefit the American people, this weeks victim; the Voting Rights Act.
Friday plane porn is here, let the peasantry produce spontaneous demonstrations of joy throughout the land.
Braves 1 Red Sox 4, the 15'th loss in 18 games. For those of you wondering; yes, I've noticed. However for a long long time I was in denial. Lying in the bathtub with my fingers in my ears while the Braves shit the bed, and what an impressive pile of shit it is!. Anyhow I have moved from the denial stage, skipped past anger and gone straight to depression.
Give the people what they want.
...a black sedan parked in front of my building, with the license plate "4CASTR" that has obvious severe hail damage. Didn't see it coming, did you buddy?
OK Mark, note the time, I got it in. Today's subject is perhaps the most over-hyped airliner ever. This aircraft has dominated, DOMINATED the aircraft development news for at least a decade now, without flying a single passenger. I'm talking of course about the Airbus A-380.
After years of development the 380 will enter commercial service in November of this year with Singapore Airlines. This aircraft is so heavily louded because it will be the first full double decker airliner, with the capacity to carry up to 900 passengers (in all economy class). Airline owners, like a certian British knight, promised onboard bars, casinos, even staterooms (Helllooo mile high club) However the truth is much more boring. Most 380s will seat 600 in a standard 3-class configuration. And on the inside it will any other plane.
Personally I think it looks like a Beluga with wings. No style at all. Unlike the 747 (see previous plane porn) which cuts a classy profile. In short the A-380 is not going to shock the world, nor will it revolutionize air travel as we know it. It's just a very big plane.
So doday is June 6, 2006 the supposed devils day, what with the 666 and all. But I didn't feel any difference. However this morning I looked in my freezer and I found some waffles that I didn't know I had, so I assume they were the devil's waffles. How do I know that they were the devil's waffles? Cause they were blueberry. They were good too. Mmmmmm, satanic waffles, gaaaawwwwwwww!
So here is the current state of the nation as I understand it.
Sorry for the wait. This week Friday plane porn goes old school, cuz we don't shy away from the aging beauties.