Great googly moogly, what the hell happened at the Milwaukee Art Museum last month, and why did the Journal-Sentinel have a coniption about it yesterday?
It appears that last month, to celebrate the opening of a new exhibit, the museum held a party where there was a $30 charge to get in and an all-you-can-drink martini bar. The result was that the sainted Caltrava addition became host for a frat party. Numerous people vomited in several places, some exhibits were damaged, and the coup de grace was 4 sloshed art patrons scaling a sculpture of a woman to touch the breasts. I join the high-minded people of this community in condemning these acts of lewd and boorish behavior, and furthermore...awww who am I kidding, why the fuck didn't I go? Now there will never be another one, shit!
Although the bacanalia happened on Feb. 11, the media in this town, in typical lightning fashion, got around to it yesterday. Spurred on by the predictable indignation from right-wing talker Charlie "Seig Heil" Sykes, the Journal-Sentinel exploded in an orgasm of coverage including a front page story, an editorial, 2 columns, and a full page talking about the martini, the history, the various types and even how to drink one. Yes my friends the Journal Sentinel was actually telling Milwaukeeans how to drink.
The coverage was overwhelmingly condecending and insulting talking about the unsophication of the city's residents, how a beer and brat, blue collar town could not handle high art and cotillian-like galas. So when did the local rag get taken over by a bunch of self-infatuated FIBs to begin with? I don't care where you are Milwaukee, New York, Paris, or frickin Antanarivo when you advertise "all you can drink" a certian crowd is gonna come out of the woodwork...with me in it.
Write the Journal-Sentinel and tell them to go fuck themselves, or better yet get tanked and go puke in the lobby. It's on the corner of 4'th and state, kitty corner from the Bradley center and convinently around the corner from McGillicuddy's. Cheers Milwaukee
Now where's a statue, I wanna go feel me some boobies!!!