Chances are that if you are reading this you already know me. But if you are a stranger and you are looking for left-of-center political opinions, rambling, senseless rants, and coverage of the Atlanta Braves that can only be described as severely manic-depressive...Welcome!!

Monday, February 27, 2006


Ok, so I'm supposed to be writing a lesson plan for my 504 class in 45 minutes, but Instead I'm posting over on, and writing stupid shit here when I have nothing to say.

BTW, did you notice the new digs? I was getting tired of the orange, it's a blog not a 70's dream kitchen. I also redid the links over on the right. Instead of plugging sites which everybody already knows and visits I am going to use it to plug friend's blogs, If you know of one that I should be linking let me know.

Sooooooo, back to the lesson plan. Yep gonna write me a lesson plan about Africa for 8'th graders. Yep gonna put my nose to the grindstone now. Gonna do that real soon, like now, or maybe now. Less than 40 minutes to go, gotta get this shit

I wonder if there are any new responses on


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