Saw in the news this morning that Paris Hilton was fired, which made me pause...Paris has a job!?!? In order to have one's employment terminated I always thought one must actually be employed. Did I miss a step here? Will Paris have to go stand in line at the unemployment office with all the other degenerates, or will she take Nicole Ritche's lifeless corpse and have it hold a place in line for her...that's hot!
Oh well now that Paris is unemployed perhaps she would like to become prime minister of Iraq. That's right current PM Nuri Al-Malaki stated recently that he does not like the job, he will not seek it again, and would like to leave before his term expires, or gets blown up. Ya know, whichever comes first. It's hard to imagine walking away from such a gig, think of it; heading up a country engrossed in a civil war, taking orders from all sides, and not even having the power to fart without asking the Americans for permission first. How did I miss this on career day?
I have the solution. Nur wants out (his friends call him Nur) and Paris needs a job. So let's take Nur and exile him to someplace quieter and less dangerous (Newark?) get Paris a burqua and get her on the next C-130 to Baghdad. After all it's not like she could do any worse. And if she gets assassinated then it's a horrible loss for us all.
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