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Monday, November 06, 2006

A moment

So Saddam Hussein has been convicted of crimes against humanity. I think we will have to file this one under “w” for well duh! As fun as it will be to watch the ‘ol butcher of Baghdad swing from the gallows, hearing about Saddam getting sentenced to death is like hearing about an ex contracting an STD…it may be gratifying at first, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still not getting laid. This doesn’t really change anything, and I think the odds are 6-5 against Saddam ever actually meeting the executioner.

Nevertheless this is a huge symbolic moment in a war where symbolic moments are all we’ve got, so I think we should take this chance to do something big.

Declare victory and get out.

Why not? Saddam is gone and headed to the gallows, and that’s what we wanted right? So let’s say mission accomplished (for real this time) spend the $20 mil Congress set aside for a victory celebration, and get the fuck outta Dodge!

This may be the only chance we ever get, so let’s not blow it. Pack up the plantation, get the tanks and the humvees on the C-130s, hand back the keys to Abu Ghraib, wish the Iraqis luck with the whole civil war thing, and we can have all the troops home by Christmas! Seriously, this is what we’ve been waiting for; clear out now before another bomb bl…aw shit...never mind, get everybody together and make a run for the border Taco Bell style!

We gave it our best shot. Three and a half years of our best half-assed efforts and let's face it, this is as good as it's gonna get. We had some fun, blew some shit up, made some millionaire defense contractors multi-millionaires, and we have created enough crippled veterans to give the VA something to fuck up for another 60 years. What else do we want?

Or we can stick around the sandbox for a little longer, burn a few more hundred billion dollars, send more soldiers through the meat grinder, and listen to the dear leader tell us that we are turning the corner every six months. Just remember, if you turn the corner 4 times you end up right back where you statrted.


Blogger Party Girl said...

I'll take a number 3 with beef and a medium Dr. Pepper, cause this shit isn't ending anytime soon and I need some nourishment to last me.

6:26 PM

Blogger Will said...

Meat grinder? Meat grinder? Always fun to listen to you libs talk like you actually care about veterans.

10:11 PM

Blogger Jim said...

The alliance between the military and the Republican Party meets all the classic definitions of an abusive relationship.

The Military is sent into Iraq without a purpose or even a plan, without the proper number of troops, and without the proper equipment.

Meanwhile back home combat pay is slashed as are benifits and healthcare for veterans and their famlies.

Military families are even prevented from appilying or food stamps, as if having military families eligable for food stamps wasn't emberassing enough.

"But it's ok because I know he loves me."

1:19 PM

Blogger Becky said...

You sure know how to tell stories!!!

8:43 PM


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