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Monday, December 19, 2005

Good day

Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus, and Friday he swooped down from the North Pole to give the United States an early present...its soul. On Friday the United States Senate bowed to the filibuster threat from our own Senator Russ Feingold and it did not renew the Patriot Act (AKA the North Korea Lite Act). Regular visitors to The View From Murray Hill will remember that yours truly first wrote on the filibuster threat by Senator Feingold back in November, when no mainstream media source reported anything about it at all. Which means I was out in front on this story. Can't write...basking...aaahhhh!

In all seriousness this was a great day for freedom in America. For the one thing that separates us from the Islamo-fascists is our dedication to human rights, due process of law, and civilization itself. Without those principles guiding us we join the league of regular nations. Where constitutions are written in pencil, and the midnight knock on the door is guaranteed not to be the pizza dude. Americans are known for their braggadocio, wherein the statement "The United States is the greatest country in the world" is not considered boastful, but rather a solid truth. But the problem is that they are just words, they have to stand for something. And the willingness to strip away the rights and privlidges of Americans by temporary occupants of high offices make those words empty and meaningless. The spirit of freedom and liberty that make up the foundation of this country have taken a beating in the last five years, but on Friday they got a nice touch-up job.

Senator Feingold, and his like-minded colleagues deserve kudos for their refusal to submit to the will of those who would like to see this land dissolve into a police state. There is much work to be done as was evidenced by the NSA domestic spying scandal that is now gripping Washington. But at least for now these words once again have meaning.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

It is Christmas in America, and I feel like the Tiny Tim to Russ Feingold's Bob Cratchet..God bless us every one!!


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