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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Air Bambi

The other day a woman in Charleston WV reported something slightly odd, she reported seeing deer falling out of the sky. I believe that statement bears repeating, she reported deer falling out of the sky. (wouldn't you love to be the 911 operator taking that call?) As it turns out deer actually were falling out of the sky, well from the top of a 5-story parking deck to be more specific. It seems this small group of deer had wandered onto the top of this parking deck, and believing that green pastures were just over the railing, they took a flying leap with predictable results.

The most amazing part about this story is not the flying venison part, it is the fact that there is a 5-story parking deck in West Virginia! Seriously, what is there that could possibly validate such a structure? Most of the cars in W.V. are on blocks to begin with. Your parking needs couldn't be satisfied with a truckload of gravel and some yellow spray paint? Oh well, at least the denizens of Charleston will be eating well. ...Country roooooads, take me hoooome. To the place, I BEEELOOONG!!


Blogger Will said...

I LOVE that song!!1!!

West Virginia... Mountain Momma...

...take me home... road...

8:10 PM

Blogger MrHinge said...

Not sure if I should go here or not, but it just so happens that I know of this 5 story parking garage. We (being people from other states) use it when we visit West by god Virginia.

One more time...Take me the place... you get the point :-)

9:28 AM


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