Chances are that if you are reading this you already know me. But if you are a stranger and you are looking for left-of-center political opinions, rambling, senseless rants, and coverage of the Atlanta Braves that can only be described as severely manic-depressive...Welcome!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


In the immortal words of the recently deceased, ’92, independent, vice presidential candidate James Stockdale, “Who am I? Why am I here?” The better question seems to be why are you here? Do I know you? Or are you just pissing away an afternoon on the web surfing random blogs. In the case of the latter, just how bored are you? Seriously, this is why we don’t have a cure for cancer. Instead of doing something productive you’re here looking to see if I’ll say anything crazy enough that you can send to your friends. What’s your next stop?, or perhaps you’re headed to shame, shame. Anyhow welcome to my blog, feel free to comment and spend as much time as you like. And if you still want to visit the Scandinavian sluts site drop me an E-mail, I’ll let you use my account.


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